Dual Enrollment

WCC将于今年三月为九年级和十年级的学生举办双入学说明会. 介绍会在8日举行, 9th, and 10th grade students (and/or families new to the process), 但是任何年级的学生都可以参加. 


Sessions will be offered at the following dates/times:

- Wednesday, Mar. 3月6日和星期四. 7 (via Zoom) - 6 p.m.
- Monday, Mar. 11点(在马里昂的亨德森酒店)——下午6点.m.
- Tuesday, Mar. 3月12日星期三. 13(在WCC -地点待定)- 6点.m.
- Thursday, Mar. (在十字路口,加莱克斯)-下午7点.m.

Registration is required and can be done so here:

Register Here 

您是否希望在本学年与双注册协调员安排30分钟的咨询预约, 请浏览此连结:





今年春天早些时候,我们向2019届和2022届的双录取学生发出了调查问卷. 调查结果可在此查阅:





Students who wish to begin their collegiate careers in high school have the ability to take dual enrollment courses as part of their individual pathways. 博彩平台网址大全 greatly welcomes students who meet college-level requirements that support individual opportunities for advancement and rigor within the higher education realm.

During the 2022-23学年, over 900 dual enrollment students completed college credit in over 300种独特的产品.

Secondary School

每个学校的双招生课程都由有资格的高中教师授课. 每个高中教员都必须通过正式的认证程序. 在向任何符合条件的学生提供双注册课程之前,该过程由WCC进行审查和认证.

Tuition charges, if applicable, are paid to the individual school. These charges are a fraction of the normal tuition/fee costs. Course calendars reflect each individual school system calendar, while the Dual Enrollment Coordinator provides specific add, drop, 以及所有学生的退课日期, counselors, and administrators at the beginning of each semester. Dates for each school system can be found below.


Dual enrollment students who take courses taught by a WCC instructor during any semester will pay the normal tuition/fee costs. 本学年的学费/杂费. 除了学费/杂费之外, 学生必须获得独立WCC课程的校长许可信. Course calendars reflect the approved WCC academic calendar. The 2023-24 WCC academic calendar can be found here.

 Concurrent Awards

作为众议院1184号法案的一部分, 现在,学生们可以将同时获得奖项作为高中文凭课程的一部分. WCC提供通识教育证书的同步途径(33学分), 通识文科与理科副学士学位(61学分), and the Associate of Arts and Sciences Degree in Science (61 credits).

关于这些途径的更多信息可以在本页左侧的并发奖项链接中找到. It is important that students considering these concurrent awards meet with the Dual Enrollment Coordinator during their freshman and/or sophomore years to verify that these choices work towards individual pathways and educational goals before beginning any program.

In order for students to receive dual enrollment consideration, 必须完成弗吉尼亚社区学院系统的有效申请. 网上申请大约需要10-15分钟完成,可以在这里访问.

在初始申请页面, 学生必须输入临时用户名和密码才能进入申请阶段. 完成申请后, 学生将收到一个七位数的学生证号码(也称为EmplID)。, 和他们的朋友一起.WCC用户名(通常为, the individual student’s initials and a random number) and a temporary password (a randomly generated case-sensitive set of letters, numbers, and/or characters).

NOTE: If students have already activated an application, 应用程序页面将在第一个页面之后停止-表明一个活动的应用程序已经在使用中. 如果发生这种情况,请联系双注册协调员关于ID和密码检索.

It is highly advised that students log into their My.WCC  申请完成后的账户, especially since the temporary password is only good for 30 days. 双重注册协调器还可以帮助重置任何过期的密码. Additionally, students need to become familiar with their My.WCC account as part of dual enrollment – including Canvas usage, research options, email, Office 365下载, and much more.

申请完成后, 然后,学生准备参加英语和数学的分班考试. Additionally, 根据ACT的不同,学生可以在一门或两门考试中获得豁免, PSAT, SAT, and/or Alg. I SOL results. Exemptions largely depend on the dual enrollment courses being taken through either the school and/or independently with WCC.

转学课程录取标准- 合资格转学课程

Admission Criteria for Career and Technical Education (CTE) Courses - 合资格的持续专业进修课程


Private, Public, and Homeschool juniors and seniors who meet each of the following criteria may register in college-level credit-bearing courses:  

  1. The student submits an Application for Admission.
  2. The student is a rising public or private high school junior or senior, or homeschool student studying at the high school junior or senior level.
    1. 高中学生须经校长或其指定人及家长同意.
    2.  The homeschool student has permission of the parent. 
  3. 学生表现出对他们想要注册的每一门大学水平的学分课程的准备. High school and homeschool students are not eligible to enroll in developmental or direct placement co-requisite English and Math courses.  在展示准备就绪方面, 学生必须符合他们想要注册的每种课程的标准之一:  

    Course Type










    **课程(数学除外)目前高中累积绩点3分.0 or higher or ERW分数在480分或更高




    18 or higher on both English and Writing subject area tests


    职业与技术***课程(数学除外)目前高中累积绩点2分.0 or higher






    18 or higher on both English and Writing subject area tests


    MTH 101-133目前高中累积绩点3分.0或更大,然后是2.0 (C) grade or higher in high school math course


    ERW分数在480分或更高 Math score of 530 or higher


    ERW score 390 or higher and math score of 500 or higher 




    Placement in MTH 111 or higher (Satisfaction of MTE 1-3)
    MTH 154,155目前高中累积绩点3分.0或更大,然后是2.0 (C) grade or higher in a high school math course


    ERW分数在480分或更高 and Math score of 530 or higher


    ERW分数达到390分或更高 and math score of 500 or higher




    Placement in MTH 154 or higher (Satisfaction of MTE 1-5)

    MTH 161,167



    目前高中累积绩点3分.0或更大,然后是2.0 (C) grade or higher in Algebra 2 or in a higher level math course


    ERW分数在480分或更高 and Math score of 530 or higher






    Placement into MTH 161 or higher (Satisfaction of MTE 1-9)

     *Cumulative GPA may be weighted or unweighted and may be self-reported.
    **A transfer course is any course that a college offers and will transcript in fulfillment of the requirements for a Degree or Certificate that is designed to transfer (e.g., AA, AS, AA&S, AFA, 统一通识证书).
    ***A career and technical course is any course that the college offers and will transcript in fulfillment of the requirements for degrees and certificates that are not designed for transfer (e.g., AAS, Certificate, Career Studies Certificates).

  4. In addition to meeting the eligibility criteria above, a dual enrollment student must meet all course pre/corequisites as listed in the VCCS Master Course File and established by the college at which the student is enrolled in the course.

    Dual enrollment is restricted to rising high school juniors and seniors and home school students studying at the high school junior or senior levels. 录取初中或高中以下的高中或家庭学校的学生被认为是例外.  The college-ready status of each prospective student below the junior or senior high school level shall be assessed on a case-by-case basis.  Such students must meet the above eligibility criteria and any other criteria as may be established by the college for participation of students below the junior or senior level in dual enrollment.  学院应制定对此类学生进行个案评估的标准和程序.  由学院院长正式批准, or designee, 初高中以下的学生是否需要参加双录取.   

双注册许可表- 2023-2024


 Each school division will have personalized forms featuring specific course offerings on hand as you return for Open Houses in lieu of the upcoming school year. However, students and families can download a blank copy here. Please note that one completed permission form is good for fall, spring, 夏季学期(如果适用). 所有课程都可以包含在一张表格中.

参加课程需要填写完整的家长/监护人许可表格. 双重招生协调员不会招收缺乏完整许可表格的学生. 表格必须在加/退期限内填妥并交回个别学校, 否则学生将不会被添加. This includes signatures from both the student and one parent/guardian.

 在家上学的学生需要将填好的表格交回双重招生协调员. Additionally, a letter of approval from the school division or local school board showing approval of respective homeschool instruction is required.


2023-24 WCC双招生课程列表

这份文件显示了2020-21学年所有当前的双招生课程. Please note that this list is subject to change at any time, plus not all courses are available in each school division. Students and families should contact their college/guidance counselor for more clarification regarding individual school division opportunities.



 Wait, there’s more? Yes. Even if a student has succeeded in placement testing and/or exemptions, specific courses – certainly not all – require additional prerequisites. Most are higher-level courses requiring 100-level completions.



In addition to summarizing much of the information on this website, this handbook also includes (but not limited to) the following:

  • Academic advising
  • Academic calendar (including dropping classes – normal and ‘W’ drops)
  • Academic integrity
  • 残疾服务(包括遵守《博彩平台网址大全》)
  • FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) overview
  • My.WCC log-in information and main menu (including Canvas, Gmail, Library Services, SIS, 以及弗吉尼亚教育奇才)
  • 可能的财政援助影响
  • 学生学习资源和服务
  •  记录请求
  • Transfer options


博彩平台网址大全 welcomes all homeschooled students who wish to continue their educational goals through college coursework while earning their respective diplomas. 在家上学的学生必须完成常规申请流程并符合安置资格.

除上述项目外, a letter designating homeschooled status from the local county/city school board must be received by the Dual Enrollment Coordinator prior to course enrollment.

Additionally, homeschooled students and their families pay the same normal tuition/fee costs for courses taught by WCC faculty as do secondary school students. 

Under House Bill 1184 (passed in 2012), dual enrollment students can work towards either the General Education Certificate and/or one of several Associate Degree programs concurrent with earning their high-school diplomas.

Pathways are established annually per school division and shared with individual schools – along with students and families. 这些途径有助于规划出在高中期间实现上述证书的过程.

Dual enrollment students wishing to complete these credentials must complete a signed declaration form within their guidance office. This form is then shared with the Dual Enrollment Coordinator, who will track respective progress each semester.

For any coursework being completed inside the school, the guidance counselor and/or director will schedule classes. 与证书或学位相关的任何特定WCC课程, the Dual Enrollment Coordinator will schedule classes.

Bland County


Carroll County

Galax City

Grayson County

Oak Hill Academy


Wythe County (Fort Chiswell高中)

Wythe County (乔治·威斯高中 and 乡村撤退高中)


(276) 223-4110 -办公室
(276) 613-3639 -短信/手机
jfloyd@wcc.365meishiba.com – Email
(276) 223-4861 -传真
Facebook: 博彩平台网址大全 Dual Enrollment
Instagram: @wythevilleccdualenrollment
Twitter: @WCC_DualEnroll

For students taking courses at one of our secondary schools, 第一个接触点应该是指导顾问和/或主任. For students taking courses at one of our technical centers, the first point of contact should be the school administrator.


(276) 928-1100


(276) 728-2125


Alexandra Bartley -顾问


(276) 637-3437

Galax High School

(276) 236-2991


(276) 228-3157



(276) 773-2131



(276) 783-4731

Oak Hill Academy

(276) 579-2619


M.J. 福格松,律师
(276) 686-4143


Summer Stone -校长
(276) 228-5481


DE Administrator and Counselor Handbook 2023-24

The main dual enrollment handbooks for all school administrators, counselors, 双招生教师.


秋季学期课程申请表- 2024

春季学期课程申请表- 2024

辅导员应提交表格,概述双招生课程(包括街区), times, and number of offerings) to the Coordinator of Dual Enrollment by Apr. 15 (fall) and Nov. 15 (spring).



Instructors with students qualifying for an incomplete should complete this form and return to the Coordinator of Dual Enrollment prior to the end of each semester. More information on WCC’s incomplete grade policy.



Students wishing to declare for either the associate degree and/or the General Education Certificate must complete this form with a counselor. Counselors should return this to the Coordinator of Dual Enrollment. 学生应在大二后期申报,以满足适当的途径进展.


2023-24 WCC Dual Enrollment Add/Drop Form – BLANK

Students will complete this form during fall and spring registrations at individual schools with the Coordinator of Dual Enrollment. 退学的学生需要和他们的指导顾问一起完成一门课程. Counselors should notify the Coordinator of Dual Enrollment immediately 关于任何课程掉落.


2023-2024 Dual Enrollment Form – Administrator's Signature (WCC courses)

与WCC讲师一起学习课程而不是通过双重入学方式的学生需要此表格. The principal of each school must approve of this course before the Coordinator of Dual Enrollment takes this form to the College President for final review/decision.


2023-24 Dual Enrollment New Course Request Form

此表格适用于任何新课程和/或任何新的双招生教师进入资格认证过程. The Coordinator of Dual Enrollment will notify schools and school systems on additional items needed for credentialing reviews.


Credentialing for New Dual Enrollment Instructors

Interested in becoming credentialed to teach dual enrollment courses? 请查看上面的链接,了解更多关于如何开始这个过程的信息和步骤.

博彩平台网址大全 does not discriminate on the basis of race (or traits historically associated with race including hair texture, hair type, 还有保护性发型,比如编辫子, locks, and twists);, sex, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, 政治面貌, genetics, veteran status, 怀孕或分娩, 或在其他方面符合其教育计划、活动或就业资格的残疾. 以下人员已被指定处理有关非歧视政策的咨询:Malinda Eversole, 人力资源总监, 105 Carroll Hall, 东主街1000号, 弗吉尼亚州威斯维尔24382, 276-223-4869. 欲知更多资料, 请参阅OCR执行办公室的列表,了解为您所在地区服务的办公室的地址和电话号码, 或致电1-800-421-3481.